
斯达克: 让世界从此欢声笑语 宁夏 行

发表时间:2019-06-24 00:00作者:admin

 肖龙 2015-08-18 17:11:03

   2015 Starkey “So the World May Hear” China Mission

 尊敬的 肖 龙 先生: Dear Mr. Long XIAO ,


    Volunteer Invitation

 斯达克“世界从此欢声笑语”项目自 2012 年成功举办以来,已历时三年,为西安、成都、桂林、 昆明、楚雄、大理、丽江七个城市的 13000 逾名贫困听障患者成功验配 26400 多台助听器。今年斯 达克“世界充满欢声笑语”项目即将走进美丽的赤峰和宁夏。5 月 9 日-16 日,第一阶段测听、取 耳样工作已圆满落下帷幕,共计救助人数 6852 人,共取耳样 12,900 只。

Since 2012, Starkey “So the World May Hear” China Mission come to China and donated more than 26,400 units of hearing aids to more than 13,000 hearing impaired people in Xi’an, Chengdu, Guilin, Kunming, Chuxiong, Dali and Lijiang for three years. This year, China Mission will come to Chifeng and Ningxia. During May 9th – 16th, we successfully concluded the Phase I of screening, hearing loss test for 6851 patients and took 12900 ear impressions in total.

2015 年 8 月 18-23 日,斯达克“世界从此欢声笑语”项目即将在斯达克听力基金会、听力医 学发展基金会、宁夏政府和残联、斯达克公司的组织下于银川凯宾斯基饭店举行。我们非常荣 幸地邀请您加入斯达克“世界从此欢声笑语”项目 – 银川技术志愿者团队。让我们一起携手并肩, 将听力关爱带给需要帮助的人们!

   During August 18th -23rd, Starkey “So the World May Hear” China Mission will be held in Kempinski Hotel Yinchuan by Starkey Hearing Foundation, Audiology Development Foundation of China, Ningxia Municipal People’s Government and Ningxia Disabled Person’s Federation and Starkey China. We are honored to invite you to join Starkey China Volunteer Team in Yinchuan. Let’s work together shoulder by shoulder and bring hearing care to those who are in need!

“Alone we cannot do much, but together, we can change the world.” – Bill Austin (我们个人的能力有限,但是我们齐心协力,可以改变世界。- 比尔·奥斯汀)

  斯达克董事总经理 Managing Director of Starkey China 2015 年 07 月 09 日 July, 9th, 2015


